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Specializing in Jean Fitting.

Pocket Placement: Blog

Pocket Placement Blog, A Resource For All Things Denim, Style, And Confidence Related. Specializing in Premium Jean Fit. Old City, Philadelphia. Discover Your Perfect Fitting Jeans.

Creative Space

Meredith Albert

It’s still January and a long way from spring.  The weather hasn’t been too terribly cold or snowy but it has also been grey and moody.  Routine is what is getting us through our days.  Some of us have adapted a new routine because of workout or lifestyle goals we are trying to achieve.  While the rest of us are hunkered in our homes, Marie Kondoing the heck out of our house.  In either case, we are trying to look forward…preparing for brighter and warmer days.

As you prepare, this is the perfect opportunity to reevaluate your style.  Whether you are reshaping your body or decluttering your home, now is the time to look for inspiration that you can incorporate into your current style to bring newness and freshness.  Draw inspiration from what you see driving through a neighborhood, what you read in books and what stands out to you as you flip through in magazines.  It could be a new throw rug for your living space, a bright colored spring jacket or a commitment to try a new restaurant every month.  Routines are necessary but can become mundane.  Create a space for you to switch out, add to or experiment with things outside of your comfort zone.  Just a little outside.